SNSD or Girls Generation Info - ADHA JAMALULAIL

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Sunday 25 October 2009

SNSD or Girls Generation Info

Haaa... Sape kat sini suka tgk cerita korea atau dengar lagu2 korea? sape yang suka tu mesti kenal ngan satu kumpulan artis kat sana yang diberi nama So Nyeo Shi Dae atau nama inggerisnya ialah Girls Generation.

Girls' Generation (Hangul: 소녀시대; Hanja: 少女時代) is a popular South Korean nine-member girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2007. Its members include (in order of official announcement) YoonA, Tiffany, YuRi, HyoYeon, SooYoung, SeoHyun, Taeyeon (the leader), Jessica, and Sunny. International Girls' Generation fans usually refer to the group as SNSD, the acronym of the group's Korean name So Nyeo Shi Dae or So Nyuh Shi Dae. -wikipedia- :P

Well, sbnrnya aku ske artis jepun je before this.. korean kurang sket. xtaw la nape. Tp lepas tgk diorang ni rasa minat plak ngn artis2 korea yg lain. Kdg2 sronok plak tgk artis2 ngn band2 dari negara lain ni. Xkan asek2 dgr lagu2 melayu, indon, english ngn hindustan je tul x? kena la variasi sket. :)

Ha... amacam? cun x dorang ni? cute kan.. he3. Well, lagu2 dorang pun best gak taw.. jangan ingt dorang ni feymes sebab rupa je. Lagu dia yang paling aku ske ialah "Gee". Best woo.. tarian diorang memang superb.

"Gee" is the record holder for the longest-running #1 on music portal (for 8 weeks), surpassing the previous record of 6 weeks set by the Wonder Girls' "Nobody". -wiki-
Nice huh... kalah la si Wonder Girl tu. ha3.. :)



* 14th Annual Korean Entertainment Awards
* Golden Disk Awards
* Golden Disk Awards
* Best New Female Group at the 14th Annual Korean Performing Arts Ceremony


* 17th Seoul Gayo Awards
* 17th Seoul Gayo Awards
* 20's Choice: Hot Sweet Music Award
* 15th Annual Korean Entertainment Awards


* Cyworld Digital Music Awards: Song of the Month (January)
* Incheon Culture Day Ceremony <2009>

-wikipedia gak :P -

Haa.. sekarang jom kita close up sket kat sorang2 ahli SNSD or Girl Generation ni.. Enjoy the pics k. Umur diorang ni semua muda-muda lagi. Paling tua pun lahir tahun 1989 dan yg paling muda lahir tahun 1991

Taeyeon (ketua SNSD) paling tua umur 20thn.. :)









Signature dorang bg kat aku.. he3 :P


  1. He3.. best kan dorang ni.. cuba la dengar lagu Gee. Best2.. :)

  2. semuanya comel2...kelabu mata tengok...ahak...pilihkan satu untuk whose leh....

  3. aku degan bangganya declare bahawa aku adalah one of the fan diorg...
    well, mebe tak la die hard fan,
    at least fan gak la...
    video Gee tuh ade aku upload dlm facebook aku...
    Yoona ade blakon drama "cinderella man' and tym tuh aku rase die blakon tak la best sgt...aku tgh tunggu die blakon skali ngan Yuri...diorg jadi adik beradik kembar...aku tak sure sgt title drama die tapi aku rase mebe gempak gak arr drama tu nanti...hehehhhh....

  4. pakcik! klu nk carik layout blog, try ipietoon n skin corner.. ala ltk je ape2 keyword psl blog templates ke, blog layout ke.. nnt kuar la die..

  5. aku ske lagu dorg

    g girls

    cute gler
    macam barbie doll

  6. Ha3.. xsangka ramai yg komen.. ingtkn aku sorang je minat dorang ni.. pape pun SNSD the best.. cute sgt.. he3. :P

  7. die orng ni cantikkan

  8. Yup!! sekarang dah ada kuar new album taw. try cari kat google. =D

  9. aku suke yuri meman cute giler..

  10. aku ske yuri dia paling cantik dan cute
    aku jg suka yoona dia mirip yuri


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